Semi Liner Service
Intra Asia Services
NBP’s Intra-Asia service operates a dedicated fleet of 15–20 MPP conventional vessels ranging from 8,000 to 14,000 DWT in size. The fleet is partially equipped with a hold-heating system that prevents condensation of warm vapor on steel products and thus protects against rusting in winter.
Our service covers all of East Asia, basically running south- and north-bound to and from the Far East and Southeast Asia countries.
Our principal southbound cargoes include steel products, general cargo, vehicles, construction machinery, various project cargo, and plant equipment.
Our southbound transport service runs from countries in the Far East, such as Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan, to countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand.
Our principal northbound cargoes include plywood, biomass energy resources, animal feed, gypsum, and pulp from countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand, to countries in the Far East, such as Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan.
Asia India Services
In support of the Japanese textile industry, Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line) inaugurated its Bombay service — Japan’s first full-scale, regular long-haul shipping service — in 1893 jointly with the Indian raw-cotton dealer Tata. Over a century later, this service continues — now being operated by NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers.
In view of India’s rapid economic growth, NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers is making use of its frontier spirit to develop its India service further by taking full advantage of the synergy of the NYK Group. By precisely responding to customers’ needs, we strive to further enhance NYK’s reputation as strong and steady in India.
Asia Middle East Services
On the Middle East route, NYK-Hinode transports steel products, project cargoes, and general cargoes to Persian Gulf ports, while our eastbound return voyages carry bulk cargoes to Japan and other countries.
Among conventional vessel operators hauling cargoes from the Far East to the Middle East, NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers ranks first in the number of deployed vessels. Our vessels of 9,000 to 30,000 DWT carry diverse cargoes. Our heavy-lift vessels, for example, are capable of lifting up to 450 kilotons.
NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers makes full use of the seamanship and know-how it has accumulated over the years and applies that expertise in an unremitting effort to promote the Middle East service under the watchword of “safe transport.”
Asia Europe Services
We ship steel products, construction machinery, sundry goods, and bulk cargo between Japan and Europe, mainly through the ports of Yokohama and Kobe in Japan and Antwerp (Belgium) in Europe. In addition to these base ports, vessels call additional ports to meet the requests of customers.
Many types of bulk, steel, and project cargoes are transported through this service to Japan, Southeast Asia, the Far East, the Middle East, and India from Europe, the Black Sea, and the Red Sea.
Asia America Services
North and Central America
We provide a regular monthly service between Asia (Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea) and the Caribbean. At present, 20,000 DWT and 30,000 DWT multipurpose vessels are deployed along this shipping route. We transport a large variety of cargo, including jumbo tires, steel products, and heavy machinery to the Caribbean, and project and bulk from there to the Far East.
In addition to this regular service to the Caribbean, vessels may call at additional ports in South and Central America to meet the requests of customers.
West Coast South America
A monthly liner service to Central America and the west coast of South America from China, Korea, and Japan. The 30,000 DWT tweendecker is equipped with a 200 mt crane and mainly carries steel products, machinery, and project cargo from the Far East, and bulk cargo (e.g., copper, lead concentrate, nitrate, etc.)back to the Far East.
South Pacific Services
The South Pacific Link (SPL) was launched in January 2014 to provide a reliable liner service for the South Pacific.
The SPL comprises four vessels on which containers, vehicles, and break-bulk cargo can be directly shipped between the Far East and the South Pacific. Moreover, using NYK’s worldwide network, merchandise can be transported between locations around the world and the South Pacific.
– Vessels depart from Asia for the South Pacific every 18–20 days. Two different loops ensure coverage throughout the region.
– Containers from indirect ports can be transshipped at one of the directly called ports in Asia.
For inquiry of containers please visit NYK Line .
For inquiry of Bulk or RORO cargo, please contact us